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The Student News Site of Campbell Hall School

The Piper

The Piper

The Piper


The mission of The Piper is to investigate and present the most relevant topics and issues pertaining to the lives of our school community. Truth, objectivity, and accuracy are the primary goals of all staff members. Journalists uphold the right to express unpopular opinions or to agree with the majority and will never gather information in an inappropriate or unethical manner. Furthermore, The Piper is intended to serve as a forum for student voices.

The unsigned editorials that appear in this publication represent the opinion of the editorial staff.

Letters to the editor are encouraged and should be submitted to Grade Letters should be concise, and the writer may ask to be printed anonymously. Letters may not be printed if deemed inappropriate for print by The Piper editorial board.

The Piper distributes 1,000 copies, free of charge, to the Campbell Hall community. The Piper is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and the National Scholastic Press Association.

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