Patrice Grace
Looking at all of the students on stage, there is complete unity. Nothing separates the choir members. A mix of races, genders, religions, grade levels, athletes, artists and much more makes up this unique community. Gospel Choir, 24 years strong, has allowed students to overcome differences and connect with each other to create joy.
The Campbell Hall Gospel Choir was established in 2001 with just 44 students. This year, more than 220 students are dedicating their time and effort to prepare a beautiful show for this year’s upcoming concert. Although the melodies sung by the choir are Christian, students from all religions have brought community members together through the uplifting words that they sing. Gospel Choir is an outlet to unite students across all faiths, allowing them to find the hopeful energy all around them.
The group of students in this choir is truly unique to the culture of Campbell Hall. As the largest choir on campus, the directors encourage students to join even if singing is not one of their passions. With no need for perfect pitch, the choir invites fifth graders and above to come together during the winter to practice and put on a beautiful performance for the school community. The Gospel Choir is just one example of how Campbell Hall encourages students to step outside of their comfort zones, allowing them to connect with themselves and others. The culture and spirit of the Gospel Choir embody one of Campbell Hall’s biggest strengths: community.
Campbell Hall strives to be a “community of inquiry committed to academic excellence and to the nurturing of decent, loving, and responsible human beings,” as stated in the school’s Mission Statement. The Gospel Choir embodies this mission by encouraging students to collaborate and share the love of gospel culture with the broader community. Singing fosters collaboration across grade levels, allowing a senior to harmonize with a seventh grader. Students become immersed in music and movement together. The seniors who sing with passion stand as role models for younger students, giving the high schoolers responsibility and leadership. With this widespread school engagement and excitement, the Gospel Choir concerts are spirited events, similar to other schools’ football games or pep rallies.
The choir represents one of our greatest strengths as a community – coming together to celebrate our differences. It blends students from various grades, hobbies and backgrounds into one ensemble. The shy student becomes the loudest he’s ever been, fifth graders sing alongside high school seniors and people from all religious backgrounds come together to create something truly special.
At Campbell Hall, we’ve seen that religion is truly what you make of it: chapel can be religious, spiritual or simply a space to connect with your classmates. The Gospel Choir reflects these same values, and although it’s rooted in Christian virtues, choir members can shape the gospel experience however they choose.
Part of the Episcopalian identity is being dedicated global citizens and developing an awareness and respect for other religions and cultures around the world. Gospel Choir allows students of different backgrounds to unite and share in the joy of Gospel music, the tradition of Christian values, and their varied perspectives on religious experiences. Whether the lyrics resonate with students or it’s their first encounter with church hymns, the infectious energy of Gospel Choir transcends any divisions within our community. Everyone is welcome, and the Gospel Choir encourages students to celebrate community and diversity across grade levels.
For 23 years, the Gospel Choir has exemplified Campbell Hall’s commitment to community, inclusion and spirit. From Stacey Dillon’s diligent conducting and Patrice Grace’s infectious spirit, to the harmonious voices of the section leaders, there’s truly no better team.
As we approach the March 1 concert, we strongly encourage everyone to attend and experience the joy and spirit of this program. You’ll hear the thud of the nord, the boom of the kids’ steps as they jump on the bleachers and the cheers from parents in the crowd. For students who may be hesitant to participate next year, don’t hold back—you don’t need to have the perfect voice, just a positive attitude to share in this magical tradition that remains a central part of the Campbell Hall experience.